The Depressed Motivational Speaker
Jim Paluch shares the background of The Depressed Motivational Speaker and three key ideas from the book to help people move beyond depression or whatever obstacle that may be in their path.

A great big thanks to everyone who has gone to AMAZON and ordered copies of THE DEPRESSED MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER! Your notes and comments on the story have certainly INSPIRED me! Thank you so much! I hope you will tell others about it, and that it sparks great conversations for you and others! Let me know what you think about the book, your strategies for inspiring others, or whatever might be on your mind. Leave a post below:
9 Responses
Hey Jim I started reading your new book over the weekend. I have read the the first three chapters and I asked my self where is Jim going with this? One minute I can see myself in one of your presentations being motivated and full of energy and the next I read the total opposite nature of the person I have known for I long time and respect greatly. Then I watched your video today and you helped explain the positives that will come out by continuing to read the book. You are right to focus on what happens through you vs what happens to me. A lot more positive energy can happen around the people I work with if I am positive vs ” henny penny the sky is falling” of ” what the F”
KEEP READING MY FRIEND! Those first three chapters sets up of how depression ‘feels’ and how our self talk can put us in that depressed state! And like you describe above, ‘the henny penny sky is falling mindset’ makes it hard to to be effective. . . Some of my curiosity that lead to writing the book was while on the road I would talk my self into a negative mindset, upset with travel, or hotel help, or anything that seemed an easy target. . . BUT. . . when I took the stage, the focused change from what was happening to me to what could happen through me. I always enjoyed the energy of people working together in a room, all of us stepping outside of our comfort zone, and everyone benefitting from the discussions and information shared. What I continually had to work at was the inner self talk that could hinder my effectiveness between presentations and events. I will really be interested in talking with you when you finish the book. . . It is a good read, and i would like to know about the take-aways you discovered . . . THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT. . . PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT IT and if you are able, a review on AMAZON helps tremendously!
Hello Jim, from Oceanside Ca.
I started your little video and decided to stop it …. I’m only to page 100 in your new book as of now and think it important to interpret the book for meaning prior to your insights. I prefer this process, not that I won’t need your help just that in my experience I hold onto the message(s) better when I have to think deeply into the sublime. My way of grasping at the authors message.
So far, looks like incredible work very relevant in my case. The past 5 years have been very difficult as both of my sons developed mental illness, my wife and daughter both are battling Breast Cancer. My boys have OCD not the ocd we make lite of and use as a punch line….Still the need to go forward is real.
Oceanside Ca is famous for a lot of things
USMC is probably #1, Surfing then maybe Junior Seau if your a Football person. Mental health relates to all of those familiar legacy of War, Ocean serenity and unhealthy disciplines ….Enjoy your book very much.
Willie, You have left a very meaningful and personal post and I am touched by your openness and sincerity. Something that has come very apparent to me since the book has come out, that when given the opportunity and in the right context, people will open up about important issues like mental health, personal challenges, and family concerns. Sharing the difficult times your sons, daughter, and wife are going through is very courageous and humbling. What impressed me and what I mean by the “right context” is what I take away from your post. . . these are the realities. . . yet there is “still the need to move forward” . . . ‘WHAT’S NEXT?’ as it is introduced in the book speaks to what is done is done. . . now what is the next most important step we can take to GO FORWARD and move toward the best outcome we can produce.
I also appreciate your intentional way of finding understanding in the book and holding on to messages. I look forward to your thoughts as you finish the book and tell others about. If you have the opportunity please post a review back on the AMAZON site. . . it will help others to be confident in choosing to read the book. Thanks for your thoughts and great example.
Hi Jim,
Here is a link to a review about The Depressed Motivational Speaker in Landscape Ontario Magazine. Here is my Amazon Review.
“The book tells a fictional story about a depressed motivational speaker who after a failed attempt a committing suicide in a hotel room finds himself in an ambulance driving to a special Institution designed to help people who have had the same experience. The doctor running the Institute lost her father and brother to suicide and was using her inheritance to fund the program. The story chronicles the experiences and interactions of the depressed motivational speaker with a number of fellow patients as they go through a recovery process.
The healing slowly takes place when the characters learn how important it is to realize that they are not alone and that they have the power and the courage to make the right choices.
The book was riveting. I found myself totally immersed in the lives of the characters as they were making great progress. I was stunned at one of the scenes near the end. I won’t reveal what happened because I don’t want to spoil it for future readers. Just when I thought the patients were about to be victorious in their struggle, there is a shocking setback that would eventually make sense at the conclusion of the story.”
Just ordered your book and looking forward to reading it as I’m sure I will be inspired by it. The title hits home for not only myself but for many industry peers, friends and family members. I know it took courage for you to address this “taboo topic” and for that I respect you even more. Thank you for your tremendous contribution to the green industry over so many years (or dare I say “decades”?). All the best my friend.
Great to hear from you and thanks for ordering the book. It really does hit home for many people . . . I suspected that when I decided to write the book and now that it is out and people are responding, it is becoming even more evident. I look forward to your thoughts on the book, some of the key concepts that i hope you discover in it. (Someone said to me, “you can’t skim it, there is a lot to take in, and it is an engaging story.) Tell others if it hits home with you. . . the more conversations we can bring about on the topic of depression, I believe the more we can understand it and take action to learn how to move past it.
Hi Jim. I think you’ve hit on something that is generational. We were taught to not acknowledge our feelings and to “fight” our way through it. Thank you for sharing something that touches so many and to know we are not alone. You continue to inspire me throughout the years I look forward to seeing you again!
Thank you Arden! It was a lot of my motivation behind writing the book, and the way it is written! I wanted to get people comfortable with having conversations about depression and to provide some strategies and a mind set for working through it! I hope you can get the book, read it and help us tell the world about it!