Fritz Frazier, owner of Winter Services, addressing 80 business leaders in the first ever Snow Focused Face to Face
"Honesty is the best policy"
One stop on the facility tour was for each group to spend 30 minutes with Fritz Frazier, the owner of Winter Services. Six years ago Fritz came from a totally different industry as Vice President of Marketing Communications at Kohls Department stores. Looking for a change and driven with a vision to create a new legacy, Fritz purchased a struggling snow plow business in the Milwaukee area and in six years turned it into a $13.5 Million snow plow operation in 7 states with 19 full-time employees and over 500 seasonal employees.
More than once throughout the morning tour, I heard Fritz share with the others that he tells his team that "Honesty is the best policy. If something goes wrong, it is better to be honest and deal with it now, not later. Customers expect honesty and the only way they will get that is if there is complete honesty amongst the team." Frazier said that he knows everyone makes mistakes and it really only becomes a problem when not addressed, dealt with, hopefully with lessons learned, and then moved beyond as a wiser person. He said that he had to let people go on occasion, not because of the mistake or accident that happened, but because the person was not honest and willing to own up to it. Leaders accept the responsibility of their actions.
The Winter Services Leadership Team
A look at operations
"Be careful quoting for hope"
I don't think there was a landscape professional in the crowd that did not relate with this tidbit. Successful and profitable businesses do not happen by luck and everything they do is done with purpose and planning . . . especially when it comes to sales. Companies that are not aware of their costs and have the unfortunate habit of throwing low numbers at the client with hopes of winning the work are really creating situations where everyone loses. The company loses because doing unprofitable work will only put them out of business sooner or later. The industry loses because inferior work happens when there is not time or provision for training and using quality equipment. Ultimately, the customer loses because they are not receiving the service that meets their needs and in the business of snow and ice management that could also mean a life could be lost.
When the emphasis is put on developing relationships and value on the importance of the service we give, no matter what profession we are in, then sales will grow and our customers will be happy.
"Reduce duplication of efforts"
 | Brainstorming and Sharing Ideas | Even a company with great systems can always stop, step back and identify where there may be duplication of efforts in a an administrative, operational or sales process. There is nothing like a simple process map to easily see where we might be duplicating our efforts. But the ultimate tool is to bring 80 pairs of eyes into your company like Fritz and his team were willing to do by hosting the Face to Face. They were willing to share information on what and how they did things and in return those 80 guests returned the favor by pointing out how they could do things even better! Thomas Edison is credited with the quote, "Show me a satisfied man, and I will show you a failure." Some may think that is rather strong yet it does remind us of the dangers of becoming complacent. Many would look on Winter Services as a company that did not have a lot of need for improvement, but when we first approached Fritz about the Face to Face, he was more than willing because he knew the feedback would only make them better. The danger with complacency is it leads to mediocrity, and mediocre companies never become great. |
"Focus on efficiency and Working Smarter" The second part of this quote is "so that you will have the time to service every customer like they want to be served." Training is a priority at Winter Services because they know the payback is improved processes and people understanding why they must follow those process. Training also establishes a commitment to SAFETY for every employee. The consistent training that they do sets the standards that everybody performs to. These standards help them achieve the efficiencies and service culture that is the foundation of their success. |
"You just gotta believe"
I want to spend a few extra lines on this quote because it's the one that I believe gives insight into the success of the Winter Services team over the last 6 years. When I asked the veteran Winter Services employee who was there from the beginning how many trucks they had when they started, she said 5 and only a couple of them ran. The next question was obvious, "How did you get to where you are today with a huge warehouse full of trucks, ATVs and the equipment necessary to service an impressive customer base in the Milwaukee area?" Without hesitation she said, "We believed in Fritz." After a chuckle from the crowd, Fritz stood and with a shrug of his shoulders said, "I don't think it was just Fritz. We believed in each other and what we were doing and believed that we could accomplish the goals that we set. That has been the real magic in what we have been able to do. We just believed. We just believed in each other and what we were doing and each person's role in the company."
That idea of belief and the impact it has on a company has always intrigued me. Quite frankly, over the years of working with companies, I have watched many that maybe lacked the sophistication, business acumen, leadership and people skills that we put so much stock in grow into very successful companies simply because they simply believed that they could succeed. They almost willed themselves to achieve their goals and the things they set out to accomplish. They believed in what they were doing and the vision they had so much they did everything they could to make sure it happened. They participated in training, and went to association meetings to network with their peers. They were not too proud to ask for help from someone that had the knowledge and willingness to help. And most of all they worked at making sure that a team was assembled that was ambitious enough to believe in success and would never allow themselves the luxury of discouragement or failure as an excuse.
Contrast that with the companies who have been to every seminar, read every business book and brought in consultants, and even had the talent to succeed but are still struggling to find success because their belief level doesn't carry them past the challenges of the day to reach the goals of the future. Belief is not just sitting back and waiting for success to find you; in its purest form, belief is ambition. It takes strength and commitment to make the conscious choice to go out and find success no matter what obstacle is temporarily lying in your path.

Fritz did the things that are necessary for success like putting a great team together, setting up systems and standards, staying focused on customers and pouring an enormous amount of time and energy into building the business. But when all of that is fueled by the right level of belief, success will be found, and for many it just might be around the corner if they will just stick with it a little longer.
When we hear a true leader say, "You just got to believe," what they are telling us is you just have to be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals.
So what about you and me? What is our belief level, right now toward achieving our goals? How did you feel getting out of bed this morning? Did you dread walking out the door and tackling the day or did you have a sense of energy because you really believe in what you are doing? If the determining factor between where we are and where we want to be comes down to our belief level, then why would we not change our attitude toward the work we need to do? Why not start today along with Fritz Frazier and the rest of the Winter Services team and just believe we can get there . . . all we need to do is . . . whatever it takes.
- Jim Paluch
Two More GREAT Opportunities to
August 20
NatureWorks Landscape Services
Walpole, Massachusetts
September 12
Chapel Valley Landscape Company
Woodbine, Maryland
Each Face-to-Face event begins with a facility tour of the hosting business, examining operations and identifying areas for improvement. You'll visit with leaders in six key areas of the business, and later engage in roundtable discussions to problem solve similar issues that are likely impacting your company. This is designed to be an interactive workshop that provides the host company with feedback, but also creates an action plan for participants to apply to their own businesses.
In Partnership with PLANET and Smart Companies
Come Alive Outside EDGE Webinar on August 5th
How to Sell from the Why: Inspiring our Customers
Featuring: Dwayne Ulrichs from Lurvey Landscape Supply and Marie McConnell and Bill Weaver from Lake County Nursery Association
Date: August 5, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. EDT
We all know the value in educating our customers, and great companies will take the time to do that, whether it's seminars, demonstrations or the sales process. But have we stopped to think, why are we educating our customers and what are we educating them about? What is the return on the investment? Can we educate our customers in such a way that helps us all capture the business opportunities of today by creating a better world for tomorrow? The great people at Lurvey's Landscape Supply and others at The Lake County Nursery exchange are embracing ways to educate their customers on the importance of the type of lifestyle that gets children and adults living outside! Register here for webinar. Did you miss the last webinar on How to Grow Sales by Helping People Come Alive Outside? Read the recap or watching the recording here.
Why Is It A Better Way 2 Learn?
Do you wonder what the "A Better Way 2 Learn" part of A Better Way 2 Learn Financials really means? Jim Paluch explains it in this 5-minute webinar clip. |
Come Alive Outside
Tip of the Day
Trees grow up from the top. A mark at 5 feet would stay at 5 feet as long as the tree lives. That's why you can hang a birdfeeder from a tree and not worry that it will grow too tall for you to reach and fill it.
Click here for a list of past Tips.
In partnership with PLANET and Smart Companies
"Quotes are great thoughts by great people suspended in time"
- Jim Paluch
"What the mind can conceive and believe it will achieve."
- Napoleon Hill
"The person that says it can't be done is usually run over by the person doing it."
"Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy." - Norman Vincent Peale
"The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen." - Frank Lloyd Wright
"Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around."
- Henry David Thoreau
"What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it." - Ezra Pound
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If you want to learn more about the power of PEOPLE SOLUTIONS THAT DRIVE BUSINESS PERFORMANCE, contact:
JP Horizons Inc. 8119 Auburn Road Painesville, OH 44077 Phone: (440) 352-8211 Fax: (800) 715-8326 e-mail: jim@jphorizons.com web site: www.jphorizons.com